Thursday, June 4, 2009

2012 & THE SHIFT – Dates Are Not Important! - Watch the Video

Jack Allis on the 2012 Panel at the 2009 Conscious Life Expo, Los Angeles, CA.

Watch the video on YouTube at this link

All of these ancient prophecies share one other major thing in common, and it is the one thing we need to remember here, if we are to persevere in this great challenge, and create the new world. And it is this: it’s up to us – the human inhabitants of this magnificent Planet to make this happen. And there’s only one way to do it, and this is with the power of our higher consciousness and spirituality. The old paradigm of materialism and controlling the forces the nature cannot possibly sustain itself. To create the new paradigm, humanity must reestablish its lost connection with life’s vital energy and with the rhythm and flow of life. Losing this connection was where everything went off track to begin with.

Once again, it’s just that simple. One of the reasons so many people struggle with all this, and cave in to feelings of fear and doomsday, is because most of the so-called experts on the shift make it so complicated. There seems to be an obsession with dates, and predicting all the possible scenarios, such as calculating those places that will remain above water, and astral bodies or ships that are due to arrive, and on and on. I believe most of the prophecies would agree that this can be a distraction. There are limitless possibilities regarding what might happen, and nobody knows for certain. People really only need to hear one thing – relax your body, quiet your mind, raise your frequency, and harmonize your energy with the forces surrounding us. Our spirituality is the primary source of our protection in the face of these Earth changes, and the primary source of our power to make the dimensional shift to the new world of light and spirit.

Jack Allis is the author of the blockbuster novel “Infinity’s Flower - A Tale of 2012 & the Great Shift of the Ages.” Since its publication in September 2007, he has become the living embodiment of its message, traveling the country, and delivering it to as many awakening souls as he can reach. He has written two other novels, “Infinity’s Children” and “Masters of Destiny,” as well as his popular monthly e-newsletter. In addition to his writing, Jack is also a personal growth and spiritual teacher, working with people in person, by telephone, and over the Internet. In his teaching work, Jack emphasizes the harmony of the body, mind and spirit, and he teaches people how to experience peacefulness and joy in their lives by reconnecting with life’s vital energy and with the rhythm and flow of life. For more information, please visit

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