Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shifting from Old Paradigm to New

By Jack Allis

(Excerpted from Chapter Two of Jack’s upcoming new book, 2012 & the Shift – Transforming Challenges into Blessings)

One of the definitions of the shift means a shifting from an old paradigm or world to a completely new one. It’s possible for us to understand this too in a variety of ways.
This too was a common feature of all the ancient prophecies, which echoed that this was an exceedingly rare and sacred opportunity to energetically and spiritually ascend from this material world to one of higher dimension. This ancient wisdom was also in tune with the natural world, with an inherent understanding that all of life’s great cycles involved regeneration. This means the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth into new life. On a macroscopic scale, it can be seen in the death and birth of stars and galaxies, and in the expansion and contraction of the universe, and on the microscopic, it can be seen in the seasons, and in the continuous regeneration of the cells of the human body.
We also know about the shift from old paradigm to new because we can see this playing out in our world every day. The old paradigm is unquestionably falling apart. Robert Ghost Wolf summed this up beautifully in Last Cry (page 152):

The Mayans tell us that during the cycle of life we are now entering, all structures that do not allow for the infusion of the Great Light, or Spirit, must and will fail. This has nothing to do with an “Indian Curse,” but rather the natural cycle of civilizations, a science we have long forgotten; seasons of human- kind. The structures the Mayans refer to in their prophesy include science, religion, social, and spiritual orders of our world societies. The Mayans continue by saying that, “Even the stones beneath the Earth will not go untouched by this light when it appears in our heavens.

At the time that I’m writing these words (May 2009), all of this is indeed happening, more evidence that the shift is already underway. The latest crack in the old paradigm is the collapse of the United States and world system of money and economics. Since the primary purpose of this book is to raise our frequency, not lower it, I will not go down the laundry list of all that ails the old paradigm. Let it suffice to say, as Ghost Wolf says, that all the old paradigm structures are sick, and dying.
And this makes perfect sense because the old paradigm is built on a fundamentally rotten foundation. This is why it cannot possibly sustain itself, which is what the Native Americans and other indigenous cultures have been telling us for hundreds, make that thousands of years. The old paradigm is built upon the foundation of two primary things. The first is that it places its primary emphasis on matter, or materialism, and this is at the expense of matter’s antithesis: spirituality. The old paradigm is all about material things in the material world. It is a world that is limited to what people can perceive with their five tangible senses – sight, sound, taste, smell and hearing. Higher consciousness and spirituality, and other non-rational states of consciousness, such as extrasensory perception, telepathy, and the multitude of other types of perception, which are outside of this narrow band, have no place in this old paradigm model. However, in the new paradigm, these higher states of consciousness and perception are the primary determinants of this new reality – this new world of light and spirit.
Another way of looking at the old paradigm is that it is the world our insane culture conditions or brainwashes us to believe is real, when, in fact, it is only one of a multitude of such worlds. The old paradigm is the world we see when we turn on the TV. And a key component of the old paradigm, which is by design, is limitation. In the old paradigm, people are cut off from the true source of their power, which is their higher consciousness and spirituality. As we will discuss in Chapter Four, the old paradigm is an illusion. Yes, folks, this is The Matrix. It is an illusion designed to keep us in a box of somebody else’s making, and for the purpose of keeping us under their control.
The second essential feature of the old paradigm’s decadent foundation is an old bugaboo, which so many of us have struggled with in the old paradigm. This is control. The old paradigm is all about control, and specifically controlling the forces of nature for the purpose of achieving a material outcome. The old paradigm takes from nature without giving back. It plunders the Earth, and justifies its actions in the name of industrial, technological and financial progress. All of which means this is a system that cannot possibly sustain itself because it is in fundamental violation of divine law. Divine law, from every viable spiritual tradition on Earth, past and present, clearly tells us that an essential feature of a spiritual world, which is capable of sustaining itself, is living in harmony with nature, and with the natural forces of both the external and internal world. Living in disharmony inevitably results in the collapse of the system, and in this case, the possible extinction of the human race.
This too was well understood and prophesized by our ancient indigenous sources. They all tell us that this was a time when our old paradigms, not connected to spirit, or to “the infusion of the Great Light,” would fall, creating the opportunity to create the new world of light and spirit from its ashes. And they all tell us too that there is only one way to do this. This is with the power of our higher consciousness and spirituality, and through the process of energetic ascension.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2012 & The Shift - A Frame of Reference

2012 & THE SHIFT
A Frame of Reference
By Jack Allis
(Excerpted from Chapter 2 of Jack’s book in progress – 2012 & the Shift – Transforming Challenges into Blessings)

In addition to hard science and the prophecies, there are other ways we know that the Earth’s energy fields are shifting, and that it’s already happening. One of the most important is our direct experience, and the awareness that we derive from this. In other words, we can feel these things. We can feel it in our bodies. Quantum science has confirmed that we are energy, and as such we have a vibration, a frequency. Our feelings or emotions are the flowing of energy along the pathways of our body. Since all the energy in the universe is interconnected, it follows that our energy will interact with, and feel the changes in the energy surrounding us. With the Earth’s energy fields around us rising in frequency, most people are feeling an intensification of the experience of living on Planet Earth, with time itself feeling like it’s speeding up. More and more experience is crammed into smaller and smaller units of time, and our feelings of this are more charged, positively and negatively. Ghost Wolf referred to this as the quickening.

Everybody’s feeling it. The only difference between us, as far as how we perceive all this, is our frame of reference. A tiny fraction of us, but growing by leaps and bounds, understand the shift and the forces at work. So, we understand what’s happening, and we have a frame of reference. So even though our world is topsy-turvy too, at least it makes sense. We are always able to deal with things better, and with less fear, when we are prepared, and when we know what we’re dealing with, and in this case, when we are in resonance with it.

For the vast majority of people, they have no frame of reference. They have no idea why all this is happening. They too can feel something in their bodies, but they don’t know what it is, or what’s causing it. They can feel the same frantic pace of things, and the same manic rate of change, but without a frame of reference, all their bodies can feel is anger, because things are so out of control, as well as stress, fear and anxiety over all the unknowns that come with such massive change. Many of them feel like they’re going crazy. And many of them are. It is always a great relief to them, when I inform them about the shift, and provide them with the beginnings of a frame reference. It helps to lift the burden that they believe they are doing something to cause how they feel.

On the other end of the spectrum, for those who do have a frame of reference due to their awareness of the shift, and who are plugged into these forces through their spirituality, we can see amazing things beginning to happen. As these people begin their ascension, by raising their frequency with feelings of peacefulness, joy and love, they literally become lighter, and yes, you can see and feel it in their presence. They have a definite glow, and their physical bodies appear less impeded by gravity and the other densities of the material world. Because they are in resonance with the Earth forces surrounding them, their metabolism tends to be higher, allowing them to effortlessly drop excess physical weight. People tend to be drawn to them, as their personalities are highly charged magnetically with the vibration of love. And the divine spirit always seems to shower them with the blessing of everything they need in this world, which is the true meaning of manifestation. It’s difficult to see these ascended beings staying in this high density much longer. This is just no longer their world, which precisely follows the script the shift has written.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

2012 & THE SHIFT – Dates Are Not Important! - Watch the Video

Jack Allis on the 2012 Panel at the 2009 Conscious Life Expo, Los Angeles, CA.

Watch the video on YouTube at this link

All of these ancient prophecies share one other major thing in common, and it is the one thing we need to remember here, if we are to persevere in this great challenge, and create the new world. And it is this: it’s up to us – the human inhabitants of this magnificent Planet to make this happen. And there’s only one way to do it, and this is with the power of our higher consciousness and spirituality. The old paradigm of materialism and controlling the forces the nature cannot possibly sustain itself. To create the new paradigm, humanity must reestablish its lost connection with life’s vital energy and with the rhythm and flow of life. Losing this connection was where everything went off track to begin with.

Once again, it’s just that simple. One of the reasons so many people struggle with all this, and cave in to feelings of fear and doomsday, is because most of the so-called experts on the shift make it so complicated. There seems to be an obsession with dates, and predicting all the possible scenarios, such as calculating those places that will remain above water, and astral bodies or ships that are due to arrive, and on and on. I believe most of the prophecies would agree that this can be a distraction. There are limitless possibilities regarding what might happen, and nobody knows for certain. People really only need to hear one thing – relax your body, quiet your mind, raise your frequency, and harmonize your energy with the forces surrounding us. Our spirituality is the primary source of our protection in the face of these Earth changes, and the primary source of our power to make the dimensional shift to the new world of light and spirit.

Jack Allis is the author of the blockbuster novel “Infinity’s Flower - A Tale of 2012 & the Great Shift of the Ages.” Since its publication in September 2007, he has become the living embodiment of its message, traveling the country, and delivering it to as many awakening souls as he can reach. He has written two other novels, “Infinity’s Children” and “Masters of Destiny,” as well as his popular monthly e-newsletter. In addition to his writing, Jack is also a personal growth and spiritual teacher, working with people in person, by telephone, and over the Internet. In his teaching work, Jack emphasizes the harmony of the body, mind and spirit, and he teaches people how to experience peacefulness and joy in their lives by reconnecting with life’s vital energy and with the rhythm and flow of life. For more information, please visit

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Frequency's Rising - A Shift Update

A Shift Update
By Jack Allis

The frequency is rising.
That’s the report, and yes, it is that simple.
Here’s the slightly longer version: the Earth has reached a point, in its 26,000 year cyclical journey through the galaxy, where it has entered a vast cosmic energy field. This field consists of energy of a higher frequency, and as the Earth continues on its course into this field, the frequency will continue to rise. This is what is meant by “the shift” or “the Great Shift of the Ages.” It is a shifting of the Earth’s vital energy fields. It happens every 26,000 years, or so, and when it does, the Earth and all of its life forms experience monumental transformation.
It is essential to an understanding of all this to understand what is meant by “energy” in this context. Energy here does not refer to the electromagnetic energy we are all so familiar with, such as the kind that radiates from the Sun, or the kind that flows through the wires that run our electrical devices. The energy we are talking about here, of which the visible electromagnetic spectrum is only an infinitesimal part, is infinitely vaster. This new energy is holographic. This means it also consists of consciousness. This is energy that thinks. It is the unseen intelligence at work in the universe, which governs the behavior of energy, and the multitude of forms it takes. It is the cosmic consciousness of a living universe.
How do we know this? There are lots of ways. One of the most important are the ancient prophecies from indigenous cultures spanning the globe, such as the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Hopis, and many, many more, who understood these galactic cycles and spiritual principles. New Science also clearly establishes that the Earth is already experiencing these shifting energies. Examples include the fact that its electromagnetic field is diminishing in intensity; its base resonant frequency is increasing, and its temperature is rising (the vast majority of which is not caused by humanity).
But for my purposes here, the source I want to cite is us. We, as spiritual people, with higher consciousness, know these things because we are feeling them. Everybody can feel that something is happening. Our world is changing. Time seems to be speeding up, which it is. The experience of living is intensifying. More and more experience is packed into smaller and smaller increments of time. Our old paradigm world, built as it is upon the foundation of materialism and control, instead of spirituality, is falling apart.
Most people don’t know these things. So, they lack a frame of reference, and the world just seems like it’s going haywire. And most of these people are going haywire along with it. For those of us, as spiritual people, who do have an awareness of these things, this colossal challenge morphs into a monumental blessing. To us, the world feels lighter and brighter, and our primary responsibility is to personally raise our own frequency to match the rising frequency of the forces around us.
What about the date December 21, 2012 and the ending of the Mayan Calendar? In my opinion, far too much emphasis is placed upon this date. The Mayan prophecies were just one of innumerable others, which came from indigenous people all over the planet. Plus, the Mayans were the only ones, to my knowledge, with a specific date, and even what was prophesized for that date is open to interpretation. Virtually all of these other prophecies refer to this time in general.
All of these ancient prophecies share one other major thing in common, and it is the one thing we need to remember here, if we are to persevere in this great challenge, and create the new world. And it is this: it’s up to us – the human inhabitants of this magnificent Planet to make this happen. And there’s only one way to do it, and this is with the power of our higher consciousness and spirituality. The old paradigm of materialism and controlling the forces the nature cannot possibly sustain itself. To create the new paradigm, humanity must reestablish its lost connection with life’s vital energy and with the rhythm and flow of life. Losing this connection was where everything went off track to begin with.
Once again, it’s just that simple. One of the reasons so many people struggle with all this, and cave in to feelings of fear and doomsday, is because most of the so-called experts on the shift make it so complicated. There seems to be an obsession with dates, and predicting all the possible scenarios, such as calculating those places that will remain above water, and astral bodies or ships that are due to arrive, and on and on. I believe most of the prophecies would agree that this can be a distraction. There are limitless possibilities regarding what might happen, and nobody knows for certain what will happen. People really only need to hear one thing – relax your body, quiet your mind, raise your frequency, and harmonize your energy with the forces surrounding us. Our spirituality is the primary source of our protection in the face of these Earth changes, and the primary source of our power to make the dimensional shift to the new world of light and spirit.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Upcoming Talks and Interviews with Jack on The Shift

The Home of CrustBusting & Dr. Pat Bacilli
“2012 & the Shift – Transforming Challenges into Blessings”
Two Half-hour Interviews with Jack Allis
LIVE – Friday, June 13 & Wednesday June 25
Seattle at 10 AM on KKNW 1150 AM
Boston at 2 PM on WBNW 1120 AM
Tampa at 2 PM on WWPR 1490 AM


Mt. Shasta, California
A groundbreaking seminar in a sacred place of magic
Dedicated to the great awakening & creating the new world
Friday, July 11 to Sunday, July 13
“2012 & the Shift – Transforming Challenges into Blessings”
A 90-minute powerpoint presentation by Jack Allis
Time TBA
Jack will also have a booth & be available for book signing
For tickets & more information:


On world-famous Melrose Avenue,
West Hollywood, California
Thursday, July 17- 7:30 PM
“2012 & the Shift – Transforming Challenges into Blessings”
A powerpoint presentation by Jack Allis,
Followed by a book signing
For more information:

Monday, March 24, 2008

THE SHIFT - Transforming Challenges into Blessings, By Jack Allis

The following is excerpted from the Introduction to the novel “Infinity’s Flower – A Tale of 2012 & the Great Shift of the Ages” by Jack Allis

My novel, “Infinity’s Flower,” is not a fantasy or science fiction, although most people would automatically leap to that conclusion. It is based upon the truth, and there are mountains of credible evidence to support every word of it. This story deals with things that are so fantastic and unimaginable to the average person that they couldn’t possibly see them as true. Yet they are.
This story deals with the creation of the new paradigm from the rubble of the old, which is collapsing in a heap around us at such an alarming rate. The new paradigm is a new and totally different world, which we can only create by rediscovering our magical heritage, and reconnecting with the awesome powers of our higher consciousness and spirituality.
This story deals with that naughty “c” word, conspiracy, which to the average person usually carries the tag that you must be some kind of “nut.” However, thanks in large part to the free flow of information on the Internet, we are currently in the midst of a great awakening, in which people in droves in American and the rest of the civilized world are waking up to the fact that they’ve been had. They’ve had the wool pulled over their eyes for a very long time by a small group of extremely power-hungry and elitist people. In fact, the world works very differently than we are manipulated to believe. The world we are presented with by television and the mainstream media, by the government, and by virtually the entire mainstream system, is nothing but an illusion that keeps us imprisoned inside somebody else’s game.
This story deals with the fact that the version of so-called history that is fed to us by the mainstream system is a monumental lie. It is a virtual certainty that ancient civilizations, with highly advanced knowledge, existed on this planet far before what passes as the beginning of our history, on the scale of tens or hundreds of thousands of years, and quite possibly much longer.
Once you open your mind, and start going down this very deep rabbit hole of truth, the evidence also clearly points in the direction that extraterrestrials arrived on Earth during these same time frames, and have been tinkering in human affairs ever since. The proof is right before our eyes, if we just make the effort to open them.
All you need to do is look at the hundreds of ancient structures spanning the globe, such as the Great Pyramids in Egypt, the ruins at Machu Picchu in Peru, and Stonehenge in Great Britain, just to mention a few of the most well known. These structures were built according to the principles of sacred geometry, located precisely at the intersections of the Earth’s crucial meridian lines, aligned with constellations and important astrological points of reference, and there is significant evidence that they have been there a lot longer than we are told. They could not possibly have been built by the human beings of those times, and traditional history would rather we just look in the other direction.
So, what happened to these civilizations, and exactly how do ET’s implicate themselves in human affairs? I invite you to read on.
This story also deals with another immensely important feature of our world today, which you will hear nothing about on television or in the mainstream newspapers, at least not until it’s too late to continue covering it up. In the alternative culture, this is commonly referred to as The Shift or The Great Shift of the Ages. The Shift is an exceedingly rare geophysical and astrophysical time the Earth has entered. It is the completion of a 26,000-year cycle, which was prophesized by ancient cultures spanning the globe, including the Egyptians, the Mayans and the Hopis. The Shift involves forces of colossal magnitude, such as the reversing of the Earth’s electromagnetic field and the shifting of its other energy fields. These are forces that have the potential to change the face of the planet, and life on it, forever. The specific date that is often targeted as the turn-over point, kind of like the clock striking midnight on New Year’s Eve, is December 21, 2012, which was the date the Mayan calendar ended.
There is much debate and confusion regarding these specific time frames. When you consider the multitude of diverse and ancient sources, as well as the vast length of the time periods involved, it is reasonable to assume that there is a significant margin of error regarding these predictions. Much of this information is also derived from the oral traditions of these ancient cultures, and such things stone tablets and cave drawings, which can be imprecise. Besides, there’s no reason we should trust the accuracy of our Gregorian calendar any more than anything else.
There is a school of Shamanic Astrology, which interprets The Shift as a more a gradual process, lasting in the neighborhood of 150 years, and that we are currently just past the midpoint. At the time of this writing, March 2008, that would seem to be the case. The Shift appears to be well underway. One clear manifestation of this is the dramatic increase in extreme weather, earthquake, volcano and tsunami activity. The Earth is feeling it. Another is the shocking move toward fascist world government that is taking place throughout the world, most obviously in America and Europe. The timing of this is no accident, and I invite you to read my story to see why.
People are also feeling these energy shifts in their bodies. The world feels different, more intense. Time itself seems like it’s speeding up, and even the most emotionally stable among us are feeling things they‘ve never felt before, often to the point where they feel like they‘re flipping their lids.
It’s a pretty good guess that things are going to get quite a bit more intense in the years ahead. Its probably going to get a lot worse before it can get better, and this chaos might be just what is needed to make the necessary changes. Whether The Shift hits its apex on 12/21/12, or before, or after, or whether there even is an apex, doesn’t make any difference. It’s happening, and it’s happening now, and unless we, the human race, blow it, it’s going to be happening for a long time.
Which brings us to the possible outcomes of all this, and again, I invite you to read on to see one possible scenario. There are those who believe these are the end-times predicted in the Bible. Those of us who are committed to creating the new paradigm see this monumental challenge as a potential blessing, and an extraordinary opportunity to discard the old, and create a new world of higher consciousness and spirituality. It could go either way. As is invariably the case, the fate of the planet rests in our hands. The choice is ours.
If we are going to create the new paradigm, it is essential that sufficient numbers of us reclaim our minds and our spirits, and take back responsibility for creating our own lives. This is the battleground upon which this great struggle must be waged. And it is the only arena in which we can win. If we choose to wage it on the turf of the old paradigm, we will lose because they have all the guns and bombs, and all the money.
The challenge begins within the mind, heart and spirit of each and every one of us. These are powerful weapons indeed, with the capability of creating a world of truth, beauty and wisdom that is beyond the current reaches of our imagination.
The first step in this process of self-transformation is to break the spell that we have allowed to be cast upon us. We must wake up to how we have bartered away our responsibility and our spirit. And we must wake up to how this insidious game is played. We must not be dismayed when vast numbers of our fellow human beings, including friends, family and loved ones, choose to remain in their slumber. We must remind ourselves that it’s their choice, and something they’re going to have to work through themselves, or perish.
And we must be aware that it isn’t necessary for everybody to wake up, and reclaim their mind and spirit, in order to create the new paradigm. It is only necessary for our numbers to reach a total that is referred to critical mass. Once critical mass is reached, the dominoes will start to fall, and things we previously could not have imagined will begin to happen. Nobody knows at what precise point critical mass actually is. It is also something that can not be measured in the accustomed quantitative way because we are dealing with intangible, spiritual variables.
Critical mass also does not work in this accustomed quantitative way, as in whichever side has the biggest army, with the most guns, will win. It works on the basis of energetic, spiritual and magical principles, which ultimately have far greater power. It is an area, in which an entirely different set of rules apply. It is the type of power that allowed David to slay the mighty Goliath with a tiny stone. If you choose to read on, this story shows how these powers can manifest.
Critical mass can only be judged on the basis of what’s happening. When we get there, we’ll know. In fact, it is only necessary for a relatively small percentage of us to wake up, and reclaim our mind and our spirit, in order to change the entire world. A small group of people with a connection to the true source of their power have exponentially more impact than much larger groups with little or none.
Just imagine for a moment an army of spiritual warriors, who are determined to reclaim the planet, and change the world. There is nothing the hidden powers that control the world could do to stop them. Or us.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Critical Mass & The LA Concious Life Expo - The Shift is Happening Now!

Yes indeed, things are shifting, and they are shifting now!

On Wednesday, January 30, we kicked off our 2008 Infinity’s Flower book tour with a presentation, with powerpoint, and snacks, at Yogasylum in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Nine days later I was speaking to a packed house at the LA Conscious Life Expo. My talk is based on the novel, and it is entitled Transforming Challenges into Blessings. It deals with this time of monumental transformation in which the Earth’s vital energy fields are shifting, and this unprecedented opportunity to create an entirely new world. However, this isn’t just going to happen on its own. It’s up to us, the human race, to make it happen by creating a vibration of peacefulness, joy and love. Then, two days later, at the finale of the Expo, I had the honor of participating in a distinguished panel, discussing 2012, the Shift, and creating the new world.

2012 Panel (from left): David Wilcock, Jack Allis, William Henry, Kira Raa, Sri Ram Kaa, Celeste Appel, Ron Armitron & Dannion Brinkley

Here’s the progress report: the Shift is most definitely happening. Our world is changing, and it is changing at an exponential rate. The old paradigm is crumbling of its own inertia, and the possibility of the new paradigm is beginning to take shape in our minds, hearts and spirits.

One of my most significant observations from the last few weeks is how people are shifting in harmony with the shifting energy in the world. The venues were all packed, and they were packed with people who are doing two vitally important things. First, they are waking up to the truth about how our world really works, and how for thousands of years the hidden powers that own and control the world have suckered them into a game that robs them of their freedom, their power and their spirit. These people are no longer willing to play this game. And second, they are becoming aware of the awesome, unstoppable power of their higher consciousness and spirituality.

As a speaker, I was struck by how different these audiences were than in years past. As recently as five years ago, I would have been lynched for saying the things I was saying. But now, people were open and listening. Obviously, people are gaining the awareness that the old paradigm just isn’t working, and if we are going to make it, we must start to look at things completely differently. I was struck by how locked in these people were. Everyone stayed in their seat, and every eye in the house was clear, focused and alert. There was none of the customary yawning, glassy eyes, or going to the bathroom, or walking out. And what was this replaced with? It warms my heart to say it was replaced with nodding. That’s right - a whole room full of people nodding. They may not have understood it all, but they got it. It felt right.

We are becoming extraordinarily powerful. We could feel it at Yogasylum, and we could feel it at the LA Expo. We are approaching critical mass. Critical mass is the final ingredient that is needed to create the new world. It is that energetic point, where our numbers reach a certain quantity where the dominoes will start to fall, and the unimaginable will start to occur.

Many people struggle with their understanding of critical mass. This is because it does not work in the accustomed, mathematical, linear way. It does not work according to the rules of the old paradigm, but rather the new paradigm. Critical mass works on the basis of energetic, spiritual and magical principles. Critical mass is not of this world. It’s power is other-dimensional.

“In tune with the Earth, in tune with the Divine Spirit, and we will create the new world.”

Most skeptics of changing the world base their doubt on old paradigm thinking. It goes something like this: it is impossible to change the world because of “the masses.” The vast majority of the people in the world are brainwashed, dumbed-down. They don’t understand any of this, and they don’t care. They believe what they see on their TV’s, and all they want is to perpetuate the illusion of material, third dimensional reality, with the primary emphasis on their money, their property, and all their other “stuff.” Majority rules. If you don’t have the masses on your side, it’s impossible to change the world.

The truth is you don’t need a majority. This is where critical mass comes into play. In fact, it is only necessary to have a small percentage of impassioned and powerful people to change the world. Critical mass works on the principle that small groups of people with a connection to the true source of their power have exponentially more impact than much larger groups with little or none.

Critical mass can not be measured in the accustomed quantitative way because you’re dealing with more intangible variables - energy, consciousness, spirit and magic. It also does not work in the accustomed way, as in which ever side has the biggest army, with the most guns and bombs, and the most money, will win. We also don’t know at what precise point critical mass is. The only way we’ll know is by all the amazing things that will start happening when we get there.

With critical mass, the outcome also cannot be foreseen in the traditional, old paradigm manner. We are operating in an arena where an entirely different set of rules applies. The new world we create will not be a variation of the old, built on the same foundation. It will be a totally different world, built upon a fresh foundation of light, energy and spirit. It will be other-dimensional. The only thing we know for sure is this will be a world in which the primary emphasis is on spirit, peacefulness, joy and love - not matter and control. All we know for sure is the new world will be magnificent beyond what we can imagine with old paradigm thinking.

Yes, we are becoming very powerful. We are definitely approaching critical mass. I wish all of you could have experienced what Peter, Cayelin and I did, spending an entire weekend at the LA Expo with something like 10,000 other like-minded, kindred spirits. And the feeling of hundreds of these gentle souls crammed into a ballroom for the panel on 2012, The Shift, and creating the new world. It was awesome to behold and feel.

Yes, we are becoming powerful, but we must remember that the hidden powers, the forces of darkness, are not going to give up without a fight. And needless to say - they don’t play fair. They’ve had a firm grip on this planet for thousands of years, and they’re not about to just let it go. I fear the time may have come for them to blow up another building, invade another innocent country, unleash a killer virus, or some such thing, in order to manipulate people back into fear and helplessness mode, so they can consolidate their power and control. I hope that this time our power has become so great that we will not be fooled.

And we will continue to flow toward critical mass, and creating the new world by connecting with the divine spirit with our vibration of peacefulness, joy and love. Therein, lies the true source of our power, which is unstoppable.