The following is excerpted from the Introduction to the novel “Infinity’s Flower – A Tale of 2012 & the Great Shift of the Ages” by Jack Allis
My novel, “Infinity’s Flower,” is not a fantasy or science fiction, although most people would automatically leap to that conclusion. It is based upon the truth, and there are mountains of credible evidence to support every word of it. This story deals with things that are so fantastic and unimaginable to the average person that they couldn’t possibly see them as true. Yet they are.
This story deals with the creation of the new paradigm from the rubble of the old, which is collapsing in a heap around us at such an alarming rate. The new paradigm is a new and totally different world, which we can only create by rediscovering our magical heritage, and reconnecting with the awesome powers of our higher consciousness and spirituality.
This story deals with that naughty “c” word, conspiracy, which to the average person usually carries the tag that you must be some kind of “nut.” However, thanks in large part to the free flow of information on the Internet, we are currently in the midst of a great awakening, in which people in droves in American and the rest of the civilized world are waking up to the fact that they’ve been had. They’ve had the wool pulled over their eyes for a very long time by a small group of extremely power-hungry and elitist people. In fact, the world works very differently than we are manipulated to believe. The world we are presented with by television and the mainstream media, by the government, and by virtually the entire mainstream system, is nothing but an illusion that keeps us imprisoned inside somebody else’s game.
This story deals with the fact that the version of so-called history that is fed to us by the mainstream system is a monumental lie. It is a virtual certainty that ancient civilizations, with highly advanced knowledge, existed on this planet far before what passes as the beginning of our history, on the scale of tens or hundreds of thousands of years, and quite possibly much longer.
Once you open your mind, and start going down this very deep rabbit hole of truth, the evidence also clearly points in the direction that extraterrestrials arrived on Earth during these same time frames, and have been tinkering in human affairs ever since. The proof is right before our eyes, if we just make the effort to open them.
All you need to do is look at the hundreds of ancient structures spanning the globe, such as the Great Pyramids in Egypt, the ruins at Machu Picchu in Peru, and Stonehenge in Great Britain, just to mention a few of the most well known. These structures were built according to the principles of sacred geometry, located precisely at the intersections of the Earth’s crucial meridian lines, aligned with constellations and important astrological points of reference, and there is significant evidence that they have been there a lot longer than we are told. They could not possibly have been built by the human beings of those times, and traditional history would rather we just look in the other direction.
So, what happened to these civilizations, and exactly how do ET’s implicate themselves in human affairs? I invite you to read on.
This story also deals with another immensely important feature of our world today, which you will hear nothing about on television or in the mainstream newspapers, at least not until it’s too late to continue covering it up. In the alternative culture, this is commonly referred to as The Shift or The Great Shift of the Ages. The Shift is an exceedingly rare geophysical and astrophysical time the Earth has entered. It is the completion of a 26,000-year cycle, which was prophesized by ancient cultures spanning the globe, including the Egyptians, the Mayans and the Hopis. The Shift involves forces of colossal magnitude, such as the reversing of the Earth’s electromagnetic field and the shifting of its other energy fields. These are forces that have the potential to change the face of the planet, and life on it, forever. The specific date that is often targeted as the turn-over point, kind of like the clock striking midnight on New Year’s Eve, is December 21, 2012, which was the date the Mayan calendar ended.
There is much debate and confusion regarding these specific time frames. When you consider the multitude of diverse and ancient sources, as well as the vast length of the time periods involved, it is reasonable to assume that there is a significant margin of error regarding these predictions. Much of this information is also derived from the oral traditions of these ancient cultures, and such things stone tablets and cave drawings, which can be imprecise. Besides, there’s no reason we should trust the accuracy of our Gregorian calendar any more than anything else.
There is a school of Shamanic Astrology, which interprets The Shift as a more a gradual process, lasting in the neighborhood of 150 years, and that we are currently just past the midpoint. At the time of this writing, March 2008, that would seem to be the case. The Shift appears to be well underway. One clear manifestation of this is the dramatic increase in extreme weather, earthquake, volcano and tsunami activity. The Earth is feeling it. Another is the shocking move toward fascist world government that is taking place throughout the world, most obviously in America and Europe. The timing of this is no accident, and I invite you to read my story to see why.
People are also feeling these energy shifts in their bodies. The world feels different, more intense. Time itself seems like it’s speeding up, and even the most emotionally stable among us are feeling things they‘ve never felt before, often to the point where they feel like they‘re flipping their lids.
It’s a pretty good guess that things are going to get quite a bit more intense in the years ahead. Its probably going to get a lot worse before it can get better, and this chaos might be just what is needed to make the necessary changes. Whether The Shift hits its apex on 12/21/12, or before, or after, or whether there even is an apex, doesn’t make any difference. It’s happening, and it’s happening now, and unless we, the human race, blow it, it’s going to be happening for a long time.
Which brings us to the possible outcomes of all this, and again, I invite you to read on to see one possible scenario. There are those who believe these are the end-times predicted in the Bible. Those of us who are committed to creating the new paradigm see this monumental challenge as a potential blessing, and an extraordinary opportunity to discard the old, and create a new world of higher consciousness and spirituality. It could go either way. As is invariably the case, the fate of the planet rests in our hands. The choice is ours.
If we are going to create the new paradigm, it is essential that sufficient numbers of us reclaim our minds and our spirits, and take back responsibility for creating our own lives. This is the battleground upon which this great struggle must be waged. And it is the only arena in which we can win. If we choose to wage it on the turf of the old paradigm, we will lose because they have all the guns and bombs, and all the money.
The challenge begins within the mind, heart and spirit of each and every one of us. These are powerful weapons indeed, with the capability of creating a world of truth, beauty and wisdom that is beyond the current reaches of our imagination.
The first step in this process of self-transformation is to break the spell that we have allowed to be cast upon us. We must wake up to how we have bartered away our responsibility and our spirit. And we must wake up to how this insidious game is played. We must not be dismayed when vast numbers of our fellow human beings, including friends, family and loved ones, choose to remain in their slumber. We must remind ourselves that it’s their choice, and something they’re going to have to work through themselves, or perish.
And we must be aware that it isn’t necessary for everybody to wake up, and reclaim their mind and spirit, in order to create the new paradigm. It is only necessary for our numbers to reach a total that is referred to critical mass. Once critical mass is reached, the dominoes will start to fall, and things we previously could not have imagined will begin to happen. Nobody knows at what precise point critical mass actually is. It is also something that can not be measured in the accustomed quantitative way because we are dealing with intangible, spiritual variables.
Critical mass also does not work in this accustomed quantitative way, as in whichever side has the biggest army, with the most guns, will win. It works on the basis of energetic, spiritual and magical principles, which ultimately have far greater power. It is an area, in which an entirely different set of rules apply. It is the type of power that allowed David to slay the mighty Goliath with a tiny stone. If you choose to read on, this story shows how these powers can manifest.
Critical mass can only be judged on the basis of what’s happening. When we get there, we’ll know. In fact, it is only necessary for a relatively small percentage of us to wake up, and reclaim our mind and our spirit, in order to change the entire world. A small group of people with a connection to the true source of their power have exponentially more impact than much larger groups with little or none.
Just imagine for a moment an army of spiritual warriors, who are determined to reclaim the planet, and change the world. There is nothing the hidden powers that control the world could do to stop them. Or us.
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